Payroll Deductions & Allotments
City of Kingsport, AGC, Post Office, Educational Employees, any employer that offers this service to employees can aide you to save “painlessly” with payroll deductions, direct deposit or allotments direct to your credit union account. You can make deposits into all of the following accounts via a payroll deduction or direct deposit allotment from your employer. You can designate funds to go to:
- Shares
- Share Drafts
- Christmas Club
- Mad Money Account
- IRA Accumulation Accounts
- Add to IRA Certificates
- Pay your loan payments
Payroll deduction and/or direct deposit is the most convenient and easiest way to save or repay your loans. The payroll deduction allocates the money directly from your paycheck thereby saving you time and effort in saving and making payments.
Call Carrie Bowman at 423-530-7778 for information on Direct Deposit, Payroll Deductions or Allotments.